Thursday, November 18, 2010


Been way too long, so here is a super quick update on my life because I've been way anti social, way busy, and way...way.

-Accepted into school for the January 2011
-Register for classes December 9
-Remembrance Day on a crisp November, strikes me every year that I am at these ceremonies that God must be in control, for some reason it just seems right to have this on cool crisp days rather then warm summer days.
-Found out today that my long term shoulder issues were in fact not issues with my shoulder. I have an old injury to my C3 and C4 vertebrae. For the next 6-9 months I have been banned by my doctor from: Running, Sports, anything that puts a 'load' on my neck, anything that may 'jar' my neck, lifting weights heavier then 10 to 15 lbs, straight leg ab exercises, sit-ups, crunches, push-ups. Exercise I am still allowed to do: Swimming, road or stationary biking, elliptical trainer. I have been told by my doctor to take up to 4 extra strength Advil or Ibuprofen, follow a very rigid stretching routing daily, relax. At the end of this 6-9 months if I am not healed I will be looking at having neurosurgery to repair the damage...yay me.

Thank's for reading my list.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Something Positive

Ok, that last post was sort of winy and stuff. I want to post something awesome. As some of you know, I spent much of August traveling. This is a story about one of those trips...the weekend of August 28th. I drove solo, just my, my dog, my golf clubs, 1 bag of clothes and of course my car. I love my car, I love to drive, I love to drive my car. My car is very fast, too fast really, and it handles like a go cart, it's insane to drive. So with all the exhaustion going on in my life after work on Friday the 27th I was able to just get into my car and put my foot into and drive. Corners without slowing down, check. Down shift and pass slow moving vehicles like they were standing still, check. I am able to drive, and love it, on the ride home I would touch 200km's an hour...this is stupid, I am happy I didn't die, and I won't be trying to go that fast again.

I got to 100 Mile House BC in around 4 hours from that trip. Went to my friends parents house where a dinner was going on. I didn't stay for dinner, I just wanted to check in with them, let them know I had arrived, and then talk with them about final preparations for the next days events. Good talk with Mom, shared some tears and a fantastic hug. Went home to my Mom and Dad's house.

It's funny how different life becomes as you get older. I couldn't tell you the last time I was alone with my Mom and Dad for an extended period of time. We laughed, played crib, drank beers, visited. It was really wonderful to just hang out with my folks without anyone else around.

Anyways that night I excused my self and went to the guest room. I had written out what I was planning to say weeks in advance of the service we were doing the next day but I was feeling the need to change a few things. I spent about an hour balling my eyes out and rewriting the dedication I was doing the next day. Prayed for the family and that God would use me and speak through me. Then I slept. I woke up to bacon and eggs...this is camping food on wifey and I's world...a world where bacon is not to be cooked inside...ever...well not ever but needless to say it was a great treat. I ate my breakfast, dressed and bolted out the door for the main event of the weekend.

I got the house, talked with the family, talked with the best friend, asked him to give a toast at the conclusion of my part. Grabbed Jamie's Bunniekins mug from when he was a baby, put it in the blue velvet bag that also held a cansiter containing the ashes of a man who refered to me as "Uncle Shawn." I picked Jamie up, and together with his brother Sean, and his mother Debbie, we walked a beautiful trail into the park in the middle of the town we grew up in.

We walked to a bench beside a river, about a km further up the river is an amazing water fall where I have more memories then I can even begin to count. A stones throw from the bench is the spot where my wife and I first began our relation ship. Across the river from the bench is the tree that a friend from high school fell out of and died. At the foot of that tree is a bench, a bench in his honour. This park is alive with memories from my past.

It is beautiful and unfortunate that we are all about to make another memory. Two years and a few days after Jamie passed away we are gathered to dedicate a bench in his honour and spread his ashes. I wont bore you with exactly what was said. We all cry, we all laugh. At the end of my dedication Jamie's best friend comes forward. Cups are handed out and Ryan speaks a toast to who Jamie is and what his life meant. Sean and I open the bag and grab the mug. We open the container and there is Jamie. I fine dust, not quite white, not grey either. It is an image that will stay with me forever. Another memory at the park. Sean takes a large scoop of his brother and tosses him in the river. The bench is located in a pretty calm spot of water. It takes a few minutes for all of the ashes to be washed away. Everyone is quite, not a sound is made. We cry again, only tears, no sound. People are hugging, and then, fitting with this family, Sean warns us all that we probably don't want to go swimming for a while.

We all talked, laughed, and for some of us, caught up as we hadn't seen one another in years. We played golf, ate dinner, shared prizes, more laughs, lots of great stories about Jamie were told. It was a great night. The next day Sean and I went for a drive, ripped hard on my car, less hard on his car. Then I loaded up and took the solo trip home. I was deep in thought for that entire drive home, and because I had my GPS I decided that I would rather then take the Fraser Canyon for the umpteenth time, I would take highway 12 from Spences Bridge to Merrit, then I would take the Coq to Hope and finally home. I have never drive the number 12 but I know it's twisty, and it's beautiful. It was a rather spirited drive, many amazing corners I was able to throw my car into and out of. I also set a new personal land speed record when I hit the Coq.

Back to the drive on the number 12. This road follows a river, not the Fraser, a smaller river, it is twisty like the river, climbs hills, lots of farms, amazing cliffs. Honestly it is breath taking. As I was driving I was thinking about how amazing God is to make such a diverse world, and that even though I can't understand why He would need to end Jamie's time on earth a month before his 25th birthday I know he had his reasons and that he loves me. I was also thinking about the metaphor of my taking a road untraveled. I had never done a memorial before, 7 days later I would be doing a wedding for the first time, also, I was talking about going back to school. As this was going through my mind I came around a corner and there was the most amazing double rainbow. I love God's timing. Enjoy my horrible picture, and as always...

Thanks for reading.

Another one down

Well pig roast 2010 is over. By all accounts it was a successful event...sorry to little larry that you had to see the head...I tried to hid it but some one opened the lid.

Why does it seem like life just never slows down...ever? Since the end of my vacation it seems like I have been rushing from one event to another. Vacation, work trip, memorial service trip, perform a wedding trip. Back to school, life should slow down but no. I have so many thing's that I am involved with that it seems like things will never slow down again. I'm complaining but wow life is insane.

Plus side is... November is coming. I feel quite confident that by November life will be much calmer....wishful thinking I know, but yes I choose to belive that November will bring peace and rest to a weary man.

Thanks for reading

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I weep for this man

Have you heard about this foolish Pastor who has threatened to burn the Koran? I weep for this man, I weep for the people he leads, but most of all I weep for the Church. All this fool has succeeded in doing is placing another stain on the Church.

It's already hard enough to try to be an example of Christ's love in a culture that is anti church, all this man has done is given people another reason to hate the church. I can't even fathom his logic in what he think's buring the Koran would acomplish. It honestly just baffles me. Beyond that I wonder how a person can go through all the education it takes to become a Pastor and still be such an ignorant fool. Read the Bible, study there ANYTHING in there that would suggest to you that this is the sort of thing Christ would condone? NO. Yes Jesus did on an occasion craft a whip and clear out the temple of people who were using the house of God to sell sacrifices and make money, but honestly, I think this pastor and a lot of us in the church today are the sorts of people he would have turned that whip on.

In closing, I'm disgusted that anyone who has made the study of the life of Christ his profession could still make such a horrible decision. I pray that he hasn't damaged my ability to allow God to impact people through me. Mostly I hope that this will motivate Christians to actually study Jesus's life and try to live that way. No more book burning, no more isolating ourselves, no more modern day pharasitical garbage. Just a humble life, lived for Christ, seeking to shine his ligght into the world.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Edmonton Update

Wow is it hard to find beauty in this city...sunsets are unreal, the park around the legislature is gorgeous, WEM is a good time, really would prefer to come with wifey and baby girl though. But honestly, from what I've seen Edmonton is a very run down city. Really not impressed, really can't wait to go home. The people are super friendly, I went out to Leduc when I first got here, it was a pretty little town. Edmonton proper...horrible. Maybe that's an overstatement but yes, I'm very much looking forward to boarding my flight tomorrow morning and getting back to my sleepy little City in the Country. Thank's for the mention in your blog btw :) Point some of your party people my way.

Thanks for reading

Saturday, August 14, 2010


My two new favorite sites

For you moms out there...

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I`ve been having a crazy and wonderful Summer, lots of changes, don`t really want to post it on here...oh what the heck, as of right now I am planning to take the prerequisite classes I need to go back and finish my BA in counseling. So as it sits now I am planning to take a Philosophy and a Psychology 100 level course this fall, and a 100 level Science this spring as well as something else maybe. That will then leave me with 1 year of full time school to finish my degree (masters by 40 seems more likely again.)

So we`re on vacation, spent our first weekend away without our dog or daughter. I missed her every time I saw a kid or kids store, but Wifey and I made a pact that this weekend was for us and that we wouldn`t buy our kiddo anything this was our excuse to be I blog this my crazy sleep talking wife is going off about how I need to get out of bed and go turn off the taps...anyways. We caved and in the end we did get our kiddo an adorable little summer dress that is super cute.

I wont bore you with details becauase if you care you`re probable a reader I talk to in RL and we can share vacation stories next time we get together :) Also I got 2 amazing shirts I can`t wait to show off.

Thanks for reading

Friday, July 16, 2010

been too busy

To blog, but here I go, thing's are great, weddings, bla bla bla, sick kid, bla bla bla, gym, bla bla bla. Life is great, just crazy right now. Vacation starts in a week.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Photo Shoot

Did a quick point and click shoot of my GTI with my little Sony Cybershot (I lack the talent to use Wifey's SLR) just wanted to post the results.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Smells and how to wear your fragrance

Look we all want to smell good. Honestly I wish we did all smell good...mix in a shower once in a while...I gave my buddy a ride in my car a couple weeks back. Dude has a hard job and my car STILL smelled like him the next day. I say again, mix in a shower after work if your going out. While I'm confessing, I recently refered to a friend as "your dirty hippy wife," why? She was burning insence. Is she dirty? No. Is she a hippy? Nope, just modern, artsy and...dare I say it because I know she reads, one of the coolest people I spend time with. The point here is, yes burning insence is a hippy sorta thing to do...but it beats bad smells any day.

Now we reach the point of today. I own cologn, I like to smell good...I'm pretty sure my wife the english teacher will shread my usage of the phrase, "smell good," too bad she doesn't get to grade my blog. Off topic again...anyways, lets put this train back on the tracks. If you like to smell good, shower daily, wear a fragrance, good for you, you're taking a positive, and this is to a small percentage...

DIAL IT DOWN! If I'm not in your intimate space (2-3 foot radius) I shouldn't be able to smell you. For the last 8 or 9 weeks I've been hitting the gym at 5:30am with a buddy. It's a solid time, people are there to work. Plus, it's a smaller group that shows up, perfect for work. Among this group is a lady, probably around my age, possibly up to 8 years older. She's in amazing shape, pretty, yes I noticed. THis girl shows up every morning in coordinated lululemon workout gear, hair done perfectly. Think she's rocking make up. Honestly, you don't need that extra sleep? That being said, I passed by her on my way to the rack to get some weights Wednesday, Was withing maybe 5 feet at the closest and was invaded by an overwhelming scent of vanilla. Perfume at the gym at 5:30...seriously? But then to have enough on that I can smell you from a distance...too far, too much, stop.

Let's also go over when to wear a fragrance. Everyday? Really? Is that who you want to be? Shower, deoderant,aftershave, moisturizer, done. This is a solid every day routine. If I have meetings I'll usually mix in a spritz or maybe 2 of fragrance, after I dress, shot into the air, and then I simply walk through the falling drops. Little bit gets on me, enough that I should have a little extra something, but not so much that you are overpowered by smell. Date night? Suiting up for a special occasion? Shower, deoderant, aftershave, moisturizer. Get dressed. Spritz down the back of your shirt, little to the forearms, then rub that into your neck and chest area. You wont stink, but come snuggle/dance time you can bet that shel'll be happy that you are plesently scented, no B.O. no overscented, axe body sprayed douche bags here, just classy clean smelling men. Step your game up.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Poem I came Across

Growing Old - a poem by Matthew Arnold

What is it to grow old?
Is it to lose the glory of the form,
The lustre of the eye?
Is it for beauty to forego her wreath?
Yes, but not for this alone.

Is it to feel our strength
Not our bloom only, but our strength decay?
Is it to feel each limb
Grow stiffer, every function less exact,
Each nerve more weakly strung?

Yes, this, and more! but not,
Ah, 'tis not what in youth we dreamed 'twould be!
'Tis not to have our life
Mellowed and softened as with sunset-glow,
A golden day's decline!

'Tis not to see the world
As from a height, with rapt prophetic eyes,
And heart profoundly stirred;
And weep, and feel the fulness of the past,
The years that are no more!

It is to spend long days
And not once feel that we were ever young.
It is to add, immured
In the hot prison of the present, month
To month with weary pain.

It is to suffer this,
And feel but half, and feebly, what we feel:
Deep in our hidden heart
Festers the dull remembrance of a change,
But no emotion none.

It is last stage of all
When we are frozen up within, and quite
The phantom of ourselves,
To hear the world applaud the hollow ghost
Which blamed the living man.

LAunch Man

ABBOTSFORD FINALLY HAS MEN'S SHOPPING!!! LAunch Man clothing on Pauline st in Abbotsford is amazing. Dustin the owner was friendly, we talked a good 20 minutes about brands he had, brands he was bringing, and brands who wouldn't come (FREEKING BAND OF OUTSIDERS COME TO CANADA ALREADY!!!) You know what I'll just link to an article by a pro who will write better then I will.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Two Full Weeks off

Wow I havn't blogged in forever. It's been a great little while and a frustrating little while. My 85 year old gramma was all set to move into an assisted living facility which she needs...then her and my Mom decide she's fine and can stay in her house...after having me drive to Maple Ridge to look at an amazing place for her. Now the whole reason she was moving was for late night security when she's sick. She'll have a call button and someone who can ensure she gets to the hospital, ensures she's getting meals ect. Whe healthy she's fine, but she still panics about if something happened in the night she's on her own in an apartment. I get that it's a big decision but when it comes to my cousin and I having to run out to Maple Ridge to take care of her when she's at her worst that's a lot. I love my Mom but she's 5 hours away and doesnt have to deal with this stuff. So now nothing changes, we wait for the inevitablility that she ends up in hospital AGAIN, ends up scared and depressed AGAIN, and we end up solving nothing AGAIN. Oh there is the promise that she might be moving to the great white north in the next while so I guess that's something...but not much because she's on a waiting list. I just deal with this.

On the good side, we had an amazing long weekend in Tofino, visited friends, ate some amazing food (sorry meal plan) and discovered "The Dark and Stormy" Here's the recipe:

Rocks Glass
2oz Spiced Rum
1 slice of fresh Ginger
1 Wedge of Lemon (I actually prefer Orange)
Fill the glass with Ginger Beer (Not Canada Dry, not Schweps, real Ginger Beer, I recommend The Great Jamacian Ginger Beer Company)

Let's see what else is going on, I finally got my GTI...apparently if you really want something, wait until it's 10 years old and then find one...if you still actually want one, luckily I did.

Too much freeking's almost June, where's summer? I lothe it when people complain about the weather which I just with it.

Thanks for reading

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why Converse Chuck Taylors are just too easy

First let me be clear, LADIES THESE RULES DON'T APPLY TO YOU> I don't know how you make yourselves so beautiful, I won't even pretend to, all I know is you work way harder then we do and it's fantastic, thank you.

Ok, back to the subject at hand. Chucks are amazing, a classic shoe that I love, but honestly, they are EVERYWHERE. Goths, punks, trendsters, hipsters, teens, try hard 45 year old dads. I get it, Chucks are a great look that are almost impossible to mess up. But isn't that the point?

Style isn't about playing it safe. It's important to have "Go to" items, pique polo's are basically my uniform from May through Sept, but sometimes you just have to try harder. I recently had a conversation with a girl I know who is about to graduation High School. I mentioned that I don't think skinny jeans should be for guys. She disagreed and started listing a bunch of guys we both know who, "would look good in skinny jeans and converse." Serioulsy, not even calling them Chucks, just "Skinny jeans and Converse." Maybe I'm wrong but that seriously bugged me.

I love low top Chucks, really want to pick up a grey pair this summer. But, they arn't the only great sneaker out there. People you just need to try harder, I just got an AMAZING pair of canvas sneakers that look almost like bowling shoes. Saw them on a clearance rack by accident while I was looking for something totally different. Bought them, love them, have gotten TONS of compliments on them. Are they as trendy as chucks? No...honestly they arn't even half as comfortable as chucks, but people actually noticed them as opposed to when I wear my blue chucks around.

Summary of this rediculous post, Chucks are amazing, but wear something else once in a while so you don't just blend in.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ok That's not totally true

So in the last while I've been really focused on getting my finances in a better place. Inside of another week or two that will be DONE!!! We are also looking into selling our townhouse and moving into a real honest to goodness house. It's in the works right now, Broker is getting us preapproved, and we're going to start meeting with realetors pretty quick to get our place sold...or maybe we'll find out we arn't ready quite yet. Who knows, I'm interested to find out though.

This also inpacts the ability to have a second kid...not sure we can do both at the same time, so do we have a second kid first, and then wait until he's 1 and Sheena's back at work to move, or do we do it now and wait 1 more year...maybe 2 to have a second kid. Not sure. Praying and planning right now.

Totally Lame

I'm still alive, just nothing I really want to post right now.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Turns out an extra 16 minutes of sleep are WONDERFUL. 2 weeks into being back at the gym, beating even the sun to start the day and I'm loving it. Support and accountability from a buddy don't hurt, infact if it wasn't for Joel I don't think I'd be back at the gym, and even though he and I have never talked about it, I'm 100% sure I'd have fallen off the wagon back into fast food burger and candy HELL. So thanks dude for being dedicated and dragging my massive butt along for the ride, who know's by this time next year maybe I'll be able to do a 6.5k with my wife too.

Meal plan is 3 weeks in, havn't been on a scale but I definately feel better. Sunday will be the 4 week mark and I should be doing a weigh in on Tuesday, will post the lbs per day at that time...based on what I've seen at the gym I'm not continuing the lb a day pace.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

1000 Awesome Things

It's way too easy to get bogged down in the negative of life. I get it it, life is hard, between crazy time commitments, or the general stress of bills and taking care of our homes it's hard to take time and just enjoy this amazing world we call home if only for a short time.

I was listening to Q on CBC Radio this morning and Jian Ghomeshi did an interview with an amazing blogger Neil Pasricha about his blog Neil also has a book coming out...oddly enough also called 1000 Awesome Things. The gist of it is that he has undertaken the task of posting one new Awesome Thing every day. A pace that will see the project end sometime around June of 2012. It's simple, some of the postings are sophmoric frat boy humor. But the concept is brilliant. I am enjoying it very much and suggest you do the same.

Thanks for reading

Monday, April 19, 2010


Is crazy early, and yet, my alarm was set for 5:00, I was up wide awake, "Bright eyed and busy tailed" whatever that means, at 4:59. Turned off my alarm before it made a sound and snuck out of the room...Addie trailing in my wake. Fed the dog, donned my workout garb, put the dog back to bed, snuck a peek at my little girl and I was off. I beat my partner by 10 minutes...apparently there arn't many people on the roads at 5:00am.

As I sat in the parking lot listening to Stephen A. Smith go off about the upcoming NFL draft I was shocked, car's just kept pulling up. By the time we went in to work out there were at least 15 people waiting outside for the doors to open. It was like a big sale at the mall with everyone lining up early.

I love the gym, have for a long time but as real adulthood has taken over my life I suddently found I had zero time for it...turns out all I really had to to was wake 4:59.

The workout was great, and best of all I was able to get home while my house was still quiet and have some time to do a devotion. Discipline is a wonderful thing. I got pretty tired around 9:00Am but that passed and the rest of my day was seriously just a normal day...Granted I was in bed by 10 and slept like a baby, but I woke up on my own this morning at 6:00 wide awake, and low and behold, had time for my devotion again (putting God first by literally putting God first...great concept hey?)

So tomorrow I'll wake up again to hit the gym, and hopefully there will be the same sized group because hey, it's really encouraging to see that many people making the sacrifice to try to stay healthy and to pull a no show would feel like letting them down. Maybe I'll start waking up Tuesdays and Thursdays to swim too. I think I have a new favorite number and I'm gonna set my alarm to...4:59.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My 5 Favorite things about my morning smoothie

This is an incredibly stupid post, but hey, I'm working through some pretty big stuff in real life and I really just wanna be stupid on here for a post.

1. It's like having a milk shake for breakfast
2. It's fast and easy
4. I have SO MUCH energy since I've made the switch
5. I've lost 8lbs in 8 days...smoothie power? I'm a believer

And now for the SAL smoothie recipie.

I buy IQF (Idividually Quick Frozen) blueberries, strawberries, and mango chunks. I also IQF my own banana's after they get over ripe (banana's are the key to the icecreamy milk shake texture) To make enough smoothie for me, wifey, and my 10:30 snack at work the night before I pull out my digital kitchen scale, put on my my blender caraf and add:

3/4c Skim Milk
3/4c Grape Juice, Pom Juice, or Acai Nectar (pick one and go with it) Pure sugar free juice please.
1 frozen banana broken into chunks
I then hit the "tare" function button (this sets the scale to '0')
4oz Mango and "tare"
4oz Strawberries and "tare"
6oz Blueberries and "tare"
cap of pure vanilla extract

Lid up and put in the fridge over night (thaws just enough that it blends easily but not so much that it isnt still a heavenly MILK SHAKE FOR BREAKFAST!!!

Buzz it up, pour into two tall glass and 1 travel mug and you're in smoothie heaven. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's really been going on...

Two opportunities have been casually presented to is in a different city quite far away and has been dismissed out of hand. The other is a major challange, not sure how I feel about it. On one hand it proves I was absolutly right 2 years ago, on the other hand I'm not really sure if I'm passionate about doing it anymore of if I still am but am harboring some sort of bitterness. Sometimes I really hate the way God works...because I'm lazy...and comfortable...and don't want to face things...or work harder...ya...

So I've made a commitment to a group of people who all also commited to eachother, turns out not very many...if any of us have kept this commitment. It sucks that I've failed, it sucks that they failed too. Mostly it sucks because if we could just do this life would be so much better for all of use and for the people we're hoping to impact by coming together as a group.

Wifey and I are in negotiations about "Pulling the Goalie." You know it was so easy when we decided the first time, we were commited to just letting things happen that we're thinking about number 2 it's complicated...we don't know if we can handle another baby right now but we don't want the kids to be too far apart in age either...but then it also seems like sibblings who are a little further apart in age get along better. Not sure what to do...probably shouldn't have blogged this either but I'm 'totally buggin' (10 points and a Starbucks if you can place the movie reference).

On a happy note, the Monday after Easter was day one for wifey and I making a new commitment to our the start I was 90lbs heavier then when I graduated HS...granted I played pretty competitive sports and ran my @$$ off, but 90 POUNDS!!! Injuries and lazyness aside, that's rediculous. So here we are, 8 day's in 8lbs lighter. I'm sure this trend can't continue, and I'm sure it's greatly influenced by my being WAY TOO FAT at the start of the whole thing, but either way I'm very encouraged...really really really really really missing candy though.

Thanks for reading and Happy Birthday to my first and only follower.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Perfect Roast Chicken

Every man should master this dinner, you're house smells amazing, cleanup is a snap, and the 'WOW' factor you'll get from your wife be well worth the effort (no I don't mean sex, I mean hey goof, you just took care of dinner one less thing she has to do for your lazy @$$) Here's how you do it.

1. Get quality chicken, the way the chicken you eat is raised dictates flavor more then anything else. Mass produced chickens are killed for your table at only 35 days, these poor birds are locked in a barn with nothing to do but eat, poop, and trip over one another...eww just go buy free range, it's worth the extra $2 to know the animal you're about to eat had a great life as apposed to 35 day's in the poultry version of Auschwitz.

2. Wash your chicken under luke warm water (no need for soap dummy). Shockingly commercial pluckers arn't as thurough as you or I. Wanna eat bits of feather? Me either. While you're at it, clean the cavity of the bird.

3. Brine the Chicken. You have no idea how good this makes your chicken...holy crap it's fantastic. Let's teach you how. It's really quite simple, get out the big dutch oven that came with your set of pots and pans. Add 4L of water, 3/4C Kosher Salt, and 3/4C Brown Sugar (most brines call for white sugar...brown tastes better). Stir until the sugar and salt dissolve, add the chicken, put on the lid and leave 6 hours minimum (I usually do this overnight)

4. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

5. Pull the chicken out of the brine, rinse it off and dry it very very very well inside and out. Sprinkle lightly with Kosher Salt.

6. Get out a good heavy bottom frying pan (NOT A NON STICK PAN A REAL PAN) add 1tbsp Olive Oil, heat over medium low heat until the oil just shimmers. Put the chicken int he pan breast side up, leave for 2 minutes then transfer to the oven, leave in oven, door closed for 1 hour.

7. Pull from oven, move to a plate and cover with foil. Rest 20 minutes, carve and eat.

Side dishes? Ok sure.

Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Take 1 head of garlic, cut off just the top (Pointy end not the root end) Put on a piece of tinfoil, drizzle with Olive Oil. Wrap tightly with the foil and throw in the oven with the chicken. Remove after 45 minutes and allow to cool, to get at the garlic just squeeze.

Wash and slice 3 Russet Potatoes. Steam until fork tender, mash with 3/4c whole milk, 1/4c butter, the garlic, some herbs, salt and pepper.

Ginger Glazed Carrots

Slice 2 carrots per person put in a non stick fry pan. Add 1 tsp butter per person, 1 bottle Ginger Beer (I enjoy the Great Jamacian Ginger Beer) and a small drizzle of honey. Boil until the liquid is gone and becomes a glaze for the carrots. Freeking AMAZING CARROTS.

Throw together a salad, set the table light a candle and eat. You're welcome

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

10 Things I Need to Get Better At

In no specific order:

1. Golf
2. Living a balanced and healthy lifestyle
3. My relationship with God
4. Not interupting people
5. Loving my wife
6. Keeping up with my Laundry
7. My Jobs
8. Holding people accountable for rediculous statments, especially about other people
9. Not making rediculous statements, especially about other people
10. Fatherhood

Tuesday, March 30, 2010



1. Bro: Term used in reference to, or greeting of another man...who is your friend (Fun fact, is also Swedish for Bridge)

2. Dude: See Bro (Though originally used to denote an ill-bred and ignorant, but ostentatious, man from the city)

To be Avoided:

1. Bra: Pauly Shore inspired version of "Bro"

2. Man Card: An imaginary card that men supposedly carry harkening back to the day's of clubs and groups who's members carried cards. (This was a great expression for a very long time, however it has since "Jumped the Shark" and thus now falls into the to be avoided category due to over saturaion)

3. Douche/Douche Bag: Even as I type this I have a small smile on my face. At one time I honestly believed that "douche" was the single funniest word in the english language...even though it's a French word that means "to shower." Again however, due to over saturation it's just a sad sad silly little word.

Never to be Used:

1. Metrosexual: A term invented by marketers to deal with men who care about appearance and grooming (it's not a new fad losers)

2. Manscaping: The act of grooming of male body hair (everyone should do this, we just don't need to talk about it, and we definately don't need a special new expression, it's hair, you trim it, shave it, or both)

3. Anything Frenchy french: "Je ne sais quois" as an example, you don't sound worldy, cool, or more artsy, you sound like try-hard and no one is impressed.

Been a while

Ok, I know it's getting warmer, Summer is peering it's glorious head around the corner, but guess what...IT'S NOT HERE YET. I commend some people for their ability to do as they please but honestly, if I can see goosebumps all over you I know you're cold. Put away your shorts and t-shirt for another month...maybe two. I've happily put my winter jackets away hopefully until next winter, but I'm still wearing pants and grabbing a sweater when I go out...

Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Some Useful Information

I want to pass along a couple formulas today. I stumbled across this and thought I would pass it along. We've all been there, people over, need to order pizza. How many pizza's do I order?

First you need to consider the croud. All guys? Use the golden formula 3p/8...ALGEBRA IN A BLOG!!! I know, settle down, I'll walk you through it. 3 is the typical number of slices the average guy will eat. p=PEOPLE, simple right. now as you recall a number and a letter side by side in algebra is a multiplication question. 12 people over? 3x12=36. Ok and we all know that / is as divison sign? so 36/8=4.5 Round up to the nearest whole number and we discover that you need 5 pizza's when 12 man are gathered.

What about if your gathering includes women and children. This is a much simpiler formula p/4. Total number of people divided by 4 equals pizza's to order. Again round up to the nearest whole number. I had this as a modified man formula but my wife pointed out that 2p/8 is the same as just p/4 so why get complicated.

The final formula. This is from my day's building and running a Pizza shop in my late teens and early 20's. Pizza dough is weighed out to make the various sizes. Small is typically 10oz, medium 15 oz, and large 20oz. With that information, if you felt so inclined you could take the undounded numbers into account and order accordingly...but seriously left over pizza is amazing why bother? Just stay away from pepperoni and other sausage...that crap will KILL you.

Thanks for reading

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bucket Lists

I recently read a very interesting artical entitled "75 Things a Man Should do before he Dies." I most certainly didn't agree with everything, but it did get me thinking. What do I really want to do on this planet before my time comes? Beyond that, what is my legacy? For whatever the reason it actually made me ponder my own death and funeral, who will give my eulogy? Even more frightening, what will they say?

The last year has been a real time of self examination for me, is it becoming a father in last 10 Years? My looming 30th birthday? I really don't know, but what I do know is that I want to launch into my 30's as purposeful as possible, driven and passionate about everything I do. With that in mind I've decided to take the next while and really work. I'm going to have a couple of my friends write a eulogy for me to see how people actually view me so I can compare it to how I see myself. Change, improve, work on faults, grow my strengh, and when that is done I plan to write my own "75 Things shagen Should do Before he Die's." Maybe I'll challenge my wonderful wife to do her own list, another thing we can do together.

Thanks for Reading

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Obligitory Olympic Post

With the 2010 games apon us I think I should have something to say. They're here, deal with it. Should we have been forced by our elected officials to throw a multi billion dollar party for the world? NO CHANCE. But it's too late so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Honestly I have always been a big fan of the Winter Olympics, maybe growing up in BC had something to do with that. I remember it bringing my family closer together, as we huddled around the tv during 1994 Lillihammer games and were stoked to watch Jean-Luc Brassard win the Gold in Moguls (I LOVE MOGUL!!!) or watching the figure skating, something I only enjoy every 4 years, but there is something about watching athlete's compete at such a high level in sports I don't pay any attention to the rest of the year that is just fantastic.

My opinion is simple. They're here, they are happening, get out, enjoy the spectacle, encourage as many people as you can to do the same because the bigger the successful of these games the less they'll cost you and I down the road.

Thank's for reading

Carona and Umbrella Rules

A few years ago my buddy and I came up with "Carona Rules" This is a term used to discribe the drinking of certain beverages and still maintaing ones man card. Man card, frick that'll demand it's own entry. Anyways back to Corona rules. It's quite simple, some beers, and other beverages are less then manly. So we decided to come up with appropriate times to drink Corona and other such beverages.

Corona, Bud Light Lime, Foofie's (a name invented to discribe fruit based bottled drinks) ect. are to be consumed only when all of the following criteria are met.

1. Outside temperature exceeds 27 degrees Celcius
2. You are in the presence of a body of water you can and would actually swim in, or post sporting event that you actually played in, or after a hard day of physical labour. You've earned it, drink what you want.
3. Themed parties where the beverage in question is appropriate ie. Carona at a Mexician Fiesta party

Umbrella Drinks (This includes Margarita's)

1. You are on vacation
2. Outside temperature exceeds 27 degrees Celcius
3. You are in the presence of a body of water you can and would actually swim in
4. Themed parties where the beverage in question is appropriate

As you can see, the rule's are basically identical with the addition of being on vacation to umbrella drinks but also the exclusion of post sports or after work.

As always the rules do not apply to women who are free to do as they please. In fact you don't have to follow these rules as men...but do so at your own peril.

Thanks for reading

Monday, February 15, 2010

At the Movie's

So my wife and I decided hey, since V-day is sorta sappy and silly anyways, let's go to Valentines Day the movie on...Valentines Day. Honestly I'm glad we did.
Supprisingly it wasn't a horrible movie...100% sappy and predictable yes, but not horrible. More importantly however the flick itself was a fantastic story that I now get to tell about the couple standing in the candy line behind me (candy not popcorn)

We were as usual,'s what we do ask anyone who know's us, my wife and I are incapable of being exactly on time for anything. So after we had gotten tickets, my wife went and got seats and left the treats to me. THis is wehre the fun happened. There was a middle aged couple behind me in the line up chatting non stop about many many many useless and often incorrect facts...correction, the husband was talking, the wife was sort of just "ya, ya, yaing" him. I was ignoring it because in line front of me a middle aged single man was hitting on middle aged single woman who were both in line and at the movie's with their kids. Needless to say it was cute and pathetic all rolled into one.

Between these two croups of people I have to admit I was quite entertained. So behind me I hear the husband make a fantastic comment, "Honey if I wore a camo hat and hunging jacket on our first date would I have gotten a second one." I looked around and sure enough I saw the redneck he was discribing...more entertainment, it was a GREAT night for spotting interesting people. Without skipping a beat his wife, finally using a full sentance responded, "Of course honey, I'm in public with you and you're wearing those stupid track pants."

Thanks for reading

Monday, February 8, 2010

Simple Rules to Live By

Here are some of my most basic tenants, there are many others, really it's quite convoluted, but here is a nutshell of basics that should help with day to day life. Without anymore introduction, The Rules:

1. Rules don't apply to women. Now I'm quite sure ladies have their own rules...probably better then these rules, but they can't share them with men in accordance with the Grand Salem Ovary Convention of 1692 which clearly states "Any woman found sharing these most auspicious rules with those of the male persuasion will be burned at the stake." And you thought the Salem witch trials we're about the devil, nope, poor girls shared the rules.

2. Believe in SOMETHING. I'd say anything but I really don't think you should believe in just anything. Do your research, find something you can honestly believe and go with it. The world is hard enough, do you really want to spend your short years on this earth as a bitter cynical person with no faith in anything?

3. Take care of yourself. It's simple, but honestly 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week makes a HUGE difference in your overall health. Beyond that, please pay attention to what you eat, be disciplined as much as you can. I suck at this, but I've come to realize I'm not 18 anymore, I drive by a McDonald's and gain a pound, is this really food I should put in my body? (Honey if you read this I know I need huge improvement in this area...take this blog as a cry for help)

4. Have a hobby. It's very important for your sanity. Gardening, woodwork, really doesn't matter as long as it isn't dancing you're golden, though some hobbies are best left unshared...yes I'm talking to you mom's basement comic book guy who only goes outside to reenact battle scenes from The Lord of the Rings and other fantasy fact, get a new hobby.

5. Don't stop learning. This doesn't mean you need to be an expert at everything, but when someone is talking, and this is hard...LISTEN, it's amazing what other people know and can teach you. Shut-up, and pay attention, there is knowledge everywhere.

6. Style. It's pretty simple, buy clothes that fit and clean them. I'll have an entire blog devoted to style, but for now let's stick to a few basics. Don't pull your pants so high that you're belting your nipples, but don't wear them so low that you look like you're in a Marky Mark video. Lose the tight ankle pants, sports gear is for at the game, cross trainers are for training, graphic t's make you look like a douche.

Thanks for reading.


So my old blog it seems vanished into thin air when I deleted my old hotmail address, alas it seems to be the price of growing up. So welcome, advanced warning, I'm opinionated...about everything, I'm sure I drive my wife crazy but such is life.

How about a little about myself. I'm a happily married father of an amazing little girl, hoping for a little boy in a year or two. I work with people for too little money. I'm pretty much your typical man, sports, cars, tools, bla bla bla. But beyond that, I care about my clothes, and go as far as to say I have a 'style' but not so far as to say I'm a 'fashionable' male. I believe a man needs more then just a bar of soap to keep himself properly groomed. More on this later, including a detailed list of what I use and why, plus a fantastic rant on the ridiculous terms 'metrosexual' and 'manscaping'.

Ok, lets be open and put this out there as well. I'm a Christian, I believe in Jesus, and go to church basically every Sunday. I try to filter my entire life through the picture I have of Jesus as depicted in scripture, and I have to say I'm frequently disappointed with how often that doesn't line up with how my fellow Christians act in the world. Again, more on this later, I just wanted to get it out there to be as open as possible, but most of all to inform you that while I do expect to have some posts that will reference my faith, and, probably a couple 100% about that, I want you to know that if you do read this blog I promise I won't preach at you.

So what can you expect? First expect me to call each entry into my 'blog' either an 'entry' or a 'column' I hate the term 'blog' and will not be using it from now on. Second, expect columns about life, current events, celebrity stuff, sports, music (I love music), being a better man, better dressed, better groomed, better read, just better. Stay tuned for my next entry "Simple Rules to Live By"

Thanks for reading.