Monday, March 1, 2010

Some Useful Information

I want to pass along a couple formulas today. I stumbled across this and thought I would pass it along. We've all been there, people over, need to order pizza. How many pizza's do I order?

First you need to consider the croud. All guys? Use the golden formula 3p/8...ALGEBRA IN A BLOG!!! I know, settle down, I'll walk you through it. 3 is the typical number of slices the average guy will eat. p=PEOPLE, simple right. now as you recall a number and a letter side by side in algebra is a multiplication question. 12 people over? 3x12=36. Ok and we all know that / is as divison sign? so 36/8=4.5 Round up to the nearest whole number and we discover that you need 5 pizza's when 12 man are gathered.

What about if your gathering includes women and children. This is a much simpiler formula p/4. Total number of people divided by 4 equals pizza's to order. Again round up to the nearest whole number. I had this as a modified man formula but my wife pointed out that 2p/8 is the same as just p/4 so why get complicated.

The final formula. This is from my day's building and running a Pizza shop in my late teens and early 20's. Pizza dough is weighed out to make the various sizes. Small is typically 10oz, medium 15 oz, and large 20oz. With that information, if you felt so inclined you could take the undounded numbers into account and order accordingly...but seriously left over pizza is amazing why bother? Just stay away from pepperoni and other sausage...that crap will KILL you.

Thanks for reading

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