Monday, February 8, 2010

Simple Rules to Live By

Here are some of my most basic tenants, there are many others, really it's quite convoluted, but here is a nutshell of basics that should help with day to day life. Without anymore introduction, The Rules:

1. Rules don't apply to women. Now I'm quite sure ladies have their own rules...probably better then these rules, but they can't share them with men in accordance with the Grand Salem Ovary Convention of 1692 which clearly states "Any woman found sharing these most auspicious rules with those of the male persuasion will be burned at the stake." And you thought the Salem witch trials we're about the devil, nope, poor girls shared the rules.

2. Believe in SOMETHING. I'd say anything but I really don't think you should believe in just anything. Do your research, find something you can honestly believe and go with it. The world is hard enough, do you really want to spend your short years on this earth as a bitter cynical person with no faith in anything?

3. Take care of yourself. It's simple, but honestly 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week makes a HUGE difference in your overall health. Beyond that, please pay attention to what you eat, be disciplined as much as you can. I suck at this, but I've come to realize I'm not 18 anymore, I drive by a McDonald's and gain a pound, is this really food I should put in my body? (Honey if you read this I know I need huge improvement in this area...take this blog as a cry for help)

4. Have a hobby. It's very important for your sanity. Gardening, woodwork, really doesn't matter as long as it isn't dancing you're golden, though some hobbies are best left unshared...yes I'm talking to you mom's basement comic book guy who only goes outside to reenact battle scenes from The Lord of the Rings and other fantasy fact, get a new hobby.

5. Don't stop learning. This doesn't mean you need to be an expert at everything, but when someone is talking, and this is hard...LISTEN, it's amazing what other people know and can teach you. Shut-up, and pay attention, there is knowledge everywhere.

6. Style. It's pretty simple, buy clothes that fit and clean them. I'll have an entire blog devoted to style, but for now let's stick to a few basics. Don't pull your pants so high that you're belting your nipples, but don't wear them so low that you look like you're in a Marky Mark video. Lose the tight ankle pants, sports gear is for at the game, cross trainers are for training, graphic t's make you look like a douche.

Thanks for reading.