Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bucket Lists

I recently read a very interesting artical entitled "75 Things a Man Should do before he Dies." I most certainly didn't agree with everything, but it did get me thinking. What do I really want to do on this planet before my time comes? Beyond that, what is my legacy? For whatever the reason it actually made me ponder my own death and funeral, who will give my eulogy? Even more frightening, what will they say?

The last year has been a real time of self examination for me, is it becoming a father in last 10 Years? My looming 30th birthday? I really don't know, but what I do know is that I want to launch into my 30's as purposeful as possible, driven and passionate about everything I do. With that in mind I've decided to take the next while and really work. I'm going to have a couple of my friends write a eulogy for me to see how people actually view me so I can compare it to how I see myself. Change, improve, work on faults, grow my strengh, and when that is done I plan to write my own "75 Things shagen Should do Before he Die's." Maybe I'll challenge my wonderful wife to do her own list, another thing we can do together.

Thanks for Reading

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Obligitory Olympic Post

With the 2010 games apon us I think I should have something to say. They're here, deal with it. Should we have been forced by our elected officials to throw a multi billion dollar party for the world? NO CHANCE. But it's too late so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Honestly I have always been a big fan of the Winter Olympics, maybe growing up in BC had something to do with that. I remember it bringing my family closer together, as we huddled around the tv during 1994 Lillihammer games and were stoked to watch Jean-Luc Brassard win the Gold in Moguls (I LOVE MOGUL!!!) or watching the figure skating, something I only enjoy every 4 years, but there is something about watching athlete's compete at such a high level in sports I don't pay any attention to the rest of the year that is just fantastic.

My opinion is simple. They're here, they are happening, get out, enjoy the spectacle, encourage as many people as you can to do the same because the bigger the successful of these games the less they'll cost you and I down the road.

Thank's for reading

Carona and Umbrella Rules

A few years ago my buddy and I came up with "Carona Rules" This is a term used to discribe the drinking of certain beverages and still maintaing ones man card. Man card, frick that'll demand it's own entry. Anyways back to Corona rules. It's quite simple, some beers, and other beverages are less then manly. So we decided to come up with appropriate times to drink Corona and other such beverages.

Corona, Bud Light Lime, Foofie's (a name invented to discribe fruit based bottled drinks) ect. are to be consumed only when all of the following criteria are met.

1. Outside temperature exceeds 27 degrees Celcius
2. You are in the presence of a body of water you can and would actually swim in, or post sporting event that you actually played in, or after a hard day of physical labour. You've earned it, drink what you want.
3. Themed parties where the beverage in question is appropriate ie. Carona at a Mexician Fiesta party

Umbrella Drinks (This includes Margarita's)

1. You are on vacation
2. Outside temperature exceeds 27 degrees Celcius
3. You are in the presence of a body of water you can and would actually swim in
4. Themed parties where the beverage in question is appropriate

As you can see, the rule's are basically identical with the addition of being on vacation to umbrella drinks but also the exclusion of post sports or after work.

As always the rules do not apply to women who are free to do as they please. In fact you don't have to follow these rules as men...but do so at your own peril.

Thanks for reading

Monday, February 15, 2010

At the Movie's

So my wife and I decided hey, since V-day is sorta sappy and silly anyways, let's go to Valentines Day the movie on...Valentines Day. Honestly I'm glad we did.
Supprisingly it wasn't a horrible movie...100% sappy and predictable yes, but not horrible. More importantly however the flick itself was a fantastic story that I now get to tell about the couple standing in the candy line behind me (candy not popcorn)

We were as usual,'s what we do ask anyone who know's us, my wife and I are incapable of being exactly on time for anything. So after we had gotten tickets, my wife went and got seats and left the treats to me. THis is wehre the fun happened. There was a middle aged couple behind me in the line up chatting non stop about many many many useless and often incorrect facts...correction, the husband was talking, the wife was sort of just "ya, ya, yaing" him. I was ignoring it because in line front of me a middle aged single man was hitting on middle aged single woman who were both in line and at the movie's with their kids. Needless to say it was cute and pathetic all rolled into one.

Between these two croups of people I have to admit I was quite entertained. So behind me I hear the husband make a fantastic comment, "Honey if I wore a camo hat and hunging jacket on our first date would I have gotten a second one." I looked around and sure enough I saw the redneck he was discribing...more entertainment, it was a GREAT night for spotting interesting people. Without skipping a beat his wife, finally using a full sentance responded, "Of course honey, I'm in public with you and you're wearing those stupid track pants."

Thanks for reading

Monday, February 8, 2010

Simple Rules to Live By

Here are some of my most basic tenants, there are many others, really it's quite convoluted, but here is a nutshell of basics that should help with day to day life. Without anymore introduction, The Rules:

1. Rules don't apply to women. Now I'm quite sure ladies have their own rules...probably better then these rules, but they can't share them with men in accordance with the Grand Salem Ovary Convention of 1692 which clearly states "Any woman found sharing these most auspicious rules with those of the male persuasion will be burned at the stake." And you thought the Salem witch trials we're about the devil, nope, poor girls shared the rules.

2. Believe in SOMETHING. I'd say anything but I really don't think you should believe in just anything. Do your research, find something you can honestly believe and go with it. The world is hard enough, do you really want to spend your short years on this earth as a bitter cynical person with no faith in anything?

3. Take care of yourself. It's simple, but honestly 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week makes a HUGE difference in your overall health. Beyond that, please pay attention to what you eat, be disciplined as much as you can. I suck at this, but I've come to realize I'm not 18 anymore, I drive by a McDonald's and gain a pound, is this really food I should put in my body? (Honey if you read this I know I need huge improvement in this area...take this blog as a cry for help)

4. Have a hobby. It's very important for your sanity. Gardening, woodwork, really doesn't matter as long as it isn't dancing you're golden, though some hobbies are best left unshared...yes I'm talking to you mom's basement comic book guy who only goes outside to reenact battle scenes from The Lord of the Rings and other fantasy fact, get a new hobby.

5. Don't stop learning. This doesn't mean you need to be an expert at everything, but when someone is talking, and this is hard...LISTEN, it's amazing what other people know and can teach you. Shut-up, and pay attention, there is knowledge everywhere.

6. Style. It's pretty simple, buy clothes that fit and clean them. I'll have an entire blog devoted to style, but for now let's stick to a few basics. Don't pull your pants so high that you're belting your nipples, but don't wear them so low that you look like you're in a Marky Mark video. Lose the tight ankle pants, sports gear is for at the game, cross trainers are for training, graphic t's make you look like a douche.

Thanks for reading.


So my old blog it seems vanished into thin air when I deleted my old hotmail address, alas it seems to be the price of growing up. So welcome, advanced warning, I'm opinionated...about everything, I'm sure I drive my wife crazy but such is life.

How about a little about myself. I'm a happily married father of an amazing little girl, hoping for a little boy in a year or two. I work with people for too little money. I'm pretty much your typical man, sports, cars, tools, bla bla bla. But beyond that, I care about my clothes, and go as far as to say I have a 'style' but not so far as to say I'm a 'fashionable' male. I believe a man needs more then just a bar of soap to keep himself properly groomed. More on this later, including a detailed list of what I use and why, plus a fantastic rant on the ridiculous terms 'metrosexual' and 'manscaping'.

Ok, lets be open and put this out there as well. I'm a Christian, I believe in Jesus, and go to church basically every Sunday. I try to filter my entire life through the picture I have of Jesus as depicted in scripture, and I have to say I'm frequently disappointed with how often that doesn't line up with how my fellow Christians act in the world. Again, more on this later, I just wanted to get it out there to be as open as possible, but most of all to inform you that while I do expect to have some posts that will reference my faith, and, probably a couple 100% about that, I want you to know that if you do read this blog I promise I won't preach at you.

So what can you expect? First expect me to call each entry into my 'blog' either an 'entry' or a 'column' I hate the term 'blog' and will not be using it from now on. Second, expect columns about life, current events, celebrity stuff, sports, music (I love music), being a better man, better dressed, better groomed, better read, just better. Stay tuned for my next entry "Simple Rules to Live By"

Thanks for reading.