1. Promise Rings. Really? So you're getting engaged to be engaged? Why not a promise promise ringe? Or a promise promise promise ring. Waste of money, waste of sentiment, waste of time.
2. Politics. Not just in terms of government but in terms of life. Why pander? Just stand by your convictions. If something is right it's right all the time, people really need to grow up and get over politics.
3. Reality TV. It's not real, why are you calling it reality? Look show's like Survivor started out with potential, let's put some people in an unreal situation and have them compete for a prize. I can live with show's like this, I don't watch them but I can live with them, it's like sports for people who don't like sports...but Keeping up with the Kardashians...please, get a life, get off my tv, why are you famous?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I should be tweeting this but...
Does anyone ever crave soup? In the words of Jerry Seinfeld, it's a bowl of wet food.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Dinner Post
I haven't posted one of my culinary creations in a while, so here we go.
I was talking to a friend about her "Spanish Rice" and I thought hey, I feel like something "Spanish." So, taking my knowledge of cooking I decided to do a rice with a sofrito base and grill some chicken. Here we go, this was the perfect amount of food for 2 adults and a hungry 2 year old.
1 onion
1 green pepper
1 tomato
1/2 red pepper
1/2 head of garlic
Combine all in a large bowl and set aside.
Take about 1/8 of the mixture and place it in a blender with a small bunch of parsley, a large splash of red wine vinegar, smaller splash of lemon juice, and some olive oil. Add cumin, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper to taste and puree. Marinade 2 chicken breasts in this mix for at least an hour.
In a pot, sweat the rest of the sofrito mix, add the same spices from above to taste (don't be shy). Add 3/4c brown rice, stir to coat. Pour in water and bring to a boil. When pot boils turn the heat to low, stir once, put on a lid and walk away for 45 minutes. (DON'T TOUCH IT AT ALL, NO PEEKING, NO STIRRING)
45 minutes later
Grill your chicken, slice, and serve over the rice in a bowl.
Take the
I was talking to a friend about her "Spanish Rice" and I thought hey, I feel like something "Spanish." So, taking my knowledge of cooking I decided to do a rice with a sofrito base and grill some chicken. Here we go, this was the perfect amount of food for 2 adults and a hungry 2 year old.
1 onion
1 green pepper
1 tomato
1/2 red pepper
1/2 head of garlic
Combine all in a large bowl and set aside.
Take about 1/8 of the mixture and place it in a blender with a small bunch of parsley, a large splash of red wine vinegar, smaller splash of lemon juice, and some olive oil. Add cumin, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper to taste and puree. Marinade 2 chicken breasts in this mix for at least an hour.
In a pot, sweat the rest of the sofrito mix, add the same spices from above to taste (don't be shy). Add 3/4c brown rice, stir to coat. Pour in water and bring to a boil. When pot boils turn the heat to low, stir once, put on a lid and walk away for 45 minutes. (DON'T TOUCH IT AT ALL, NO PEEKING, NO STIRRING)
45 minutes later
Grill your chicken, slice, and serve over the rice in a bowl.
Take the
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Happy Tuesday
Ok here it is, I've never come right out and said it but I suppose those of you who 'know' me have suspected it. I'm just not a happy guy. There I said it, what a load off. This chain of thought was disrupted by a random text message grr...oh ya, so basically the world and the people in it really just bum me out. People are stupid and excitiable, selfish and lazy. Honestly it's really quite frustrating. So, in order to cope I turned myself into more of a product then a person. This is an interesting statement in our current "Brand Yourself" culture. So let's look at the brand of me, Sal G (Shouting About Life Guy).
Sal G is the guy you call when you need a favor, he'll almost always say yes and bail you out and do something. Sal G has no problems ever in his life, this statement isn't true but as far as you know it is because Sal G has learned that the people around him probably don't really care about his problems, his job is to solve theirs. Sal G rely's on no one, but, allows anyone who needs him to to rely on him. Usually this is not an issue for Sal, but lately it really really is.
I've come to a place in my 31 years where I realize that I can't be a product, I need to be a person...I just really don't know how. I had a very awkward situation on Sunday, a 'friend' offered me condolences on the passing of Addie...I had no idea how to respond. I'm not use to being Shawn, I'm use to being Sal, Sal doesn't need condolences because life is never about Sal. The look in the persons eyes as I stammered out a response spoke volumes...I'm bad at being a real person...but I'm working on it.
Sal G is the guy you call when you need a favor, he'll almost always say yes and bail you out and do something. Sal G has no problems ever in his life, this statement isn't true but as far as you know it is because Sal G has learned that the people around him probably don't really care about his problems, his job is to solve theirs. Sal G rely's on no one, but, allows anyone who needs him to to rely on him. Usually this is not an issue for Sal, but lately it really really is.
I've come to a place in my 31 years where I realize that I can't be a product, I need to be a person...I just really don't know how. I had a very awkward situation on Sunday, a 'friend' offered me condolences on the passing of Addie...I had no idea how to respond. I'm not use to being Shawn, I'm use to being Sal, Sal doesn't need condolences because life is never about Sal. The look in the persons eyes as I stammered out a response spoke volumes...I'm bad at being a real person...but I'm working on it.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Good bye Addie; love you, miss you

I was going to take some time and write this out all perfect like, but honestly I just think I need to get it out and get it gone, so please forgive me as a ramble. Friday my dog died. Blunt, simple, honest, she was young, and her heart gave out for no reason, vet said there was absolutely nothing we could have done. More on the details of the event to follow, I'm more interested right now in talking about how this amazing little ball of fur touched my life.
Back in 2007 wifey and I were ready to add to our family but we weren't ready to have kids. We both love dogs and decided that was the natural next move. My Uncle is a breeder of English Springer Spaniels and has always said I can have a dog whenever I want one, so plans were made and we counted the days (not unlike having a kid.)

On October 7th we got a call that the puppies had been born, and that there was one dog in particular who was perfect for me, so perfect in fact that she was given the name "Shawn's Dog." Two weeks later wifey and I made the 5 hour road trip to my uncles house to meet the dog's and pick out our dog. "Shawn's Dog" had been given a secret name so that our (my) choice wouldn't be influenced. We got there and played with the dogs, they were all amazing, but there was one dog who just stood out, she was the runt of the litter, fast, smart, and ran the show. It was love at first sight. I bonded with that puppy that day and made my choice, this would be "Shawn's Dog" whether or not she was the first dog to be given that name. I found out after telling him that She was the dog I wanted, that "Tiny" was actually "Shawn's Dog."

It was four more weeks before "Shawn's Dog" came home. I was home from work that day so I had an entire day with her to myself. We tried out names, but nothing seemed to stick, Charlie, Cali, Cachia (wifey is crazy sometimes), finally we settled on Addie, based on a character called the bone woman from a book I was reading at the time.

Addie was amazing, curious, funny, adventurous, loyal, and just so loving. It's hard to put into words, everyone say's they have the best dog in the world but there was just something about Addie's personality, everyone loved her, anti dog people loved her (tolerated is probably more accurate but still). There is so much I can say about her life, but mostly, it was too short. She was never happier then when she was swimming or playing fetch, she woke me up every morning, usually by snuggling up really close, putting her nose in my face and sighing into my mouth until I woke up.

The weird thing this week has been going to the bathroom and not being followed by Addie, watching the news before work without her laying on my feet, and coming home and not having her greet me at the door. Because as I started this post with, Addie died on Friday, for those of you who don't do math well, Addie would have turned 4 in October. I really wan't to type out the details of Addie's last day with us, but I think she deserves more. Short form, she apparently had a heart defect that was undetected, after a couple of hours swimming her heart gave out. My dog died in my arms on the way to the vet, I used CPR, brought her back once, but she went again withing a few seconds. Addie was dead in my arms for 10-15 minutes before we reached the vet. I prayed and hoped but I knew it was too late, there was nothing to be done.

I took her the top of Sumas mountain and buried her with her favorite toys, collar, and a few other items that night...I also drank, a lot...Saturday we went back to the grave so Wifey and my little girl could see it and say good bye. We covered her with rocks and put her puppy collar on her grave. It's a weird experience, what do you say in a situation like this. Wifey said good bye, I said thank you, but it was the words of my daughter that were just perfect. When we prompted her to say good bye, my two year old daughter looked at the grave and said, "Good bye Addie; love you, miss you."
Nothing I could write will ever sum up my feelings better the those words spoken by a little girl 2 and a half years old. It's amazing how much a dog can mean to you, how complete they can make a family. Addie was without a doubt my best friend.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Ok, a few things, first, before I learned that you should always cheer for your home team I was a Bruins fan. My first hockey jersey was a #8 Cam Neely jersey. So, a very heart felt congratulations to the Boston Bruins, 9 year old me is dancing for joy and celebrating with you.
Next, this has been the single greatest season in Vancouver Canucks history. 69 win's including the playoffs, 1 win from the cup, more mileage then any other team in the league, it's outstanding, hats of to a very successful season.
Finally the riot, my big issue right now is the people referring to these idiots as fans. Well I guess the riot is the biggest issue, but come on, it's a game. Our boys gave it their all and lost to the better team. The injuries we suffered were too much to over come, it happens. Every play can hold his head up high for the effort...I think this team embellished WAY too much, and wow was our team a horrible example of sportsmanship but, this is my team, We are All Canucks.
Not sure I can still be proud to be from Vancouver...Toronto had the G 20 riots, we riot over the Canucks and Guns and Roses. Indy, gone; Vancouver Open, gone; Fireworks, gone...why? Fires, stabbings, and other general BS...it's disgusting, it's embarrassing, and I just don't know what to think or do.
Next, this has been the single greatest season in Vancouver Canucks history. 69 win's including the playoffs, 1 win from the cup, more mileage then any other team in the league, it's outstanding, hats of to a very successful season.
Finally the riot, my big issue right now is the people referring to these idiots as fans. Well I guess the riot is the biggest issue, but come on, it's a game. Our boys gave it their all and lost to the better team. The injuries we suffered were too much to over come, it happens. Every play can hold his head up high for the effort...I think this team embellished WAY too much, and wow was our team a horrible example of sportsmanship but, this is my team, We are All Canucks.
Not sure I can still be proud to be from Vancouver...Toronto had the G 20 riots, we riot over the Canucks and Guns and Roses. Indy, gone; Vancouver Open, gone; Fireworks, gone...why? Fires, stabbings, and other general BS...it's disgusting, it's embarrassing, and I just don't know what to think or do.
Monday, May 16, 2011
How was your week?
My week started out excellent, granted it was very busy, but it was overall great. I worked 57 hours, and was excited about seeing my niece and nephew on Friday. Then, no hey we made it phone call. I knew my brother and his fiancée were planning to crash at my cousins house, but I still expected the courtesy of a phone call that they had made the trip. Saturday I went to men's breakfast at 7am, had a great talk about being made in the image of God, worked from 8am until 7pm, went home to a BBQ for my birthday, expecting to see great friends and my family. Friends were there, wife, child, dog, no sign of the brother and his family, I had called Friday, his phone was off. So much for the BBQ, I wonder if we'll still golf like we had planned. Up early Sunday morning, great worship service, tired but excited, text message, we're at the ferry, see you guys this weekend in Powell River...needless to say I was LIVID. While taking some time to cool off I find out wifey had sent a text explaining her frustrations with the whole situation, she gets her head bitten off by my brothers fiancee. At this point wifey should have just gone with a "fair enough" and let it go, but that's no the girl I married :) Sheena then mentions the lack of courtesy that was shown ect...and receives the following text back "You're a real bitch, you should take a pregnancy test." Oh family, oh love, wow, kill shot. Horrible as those comments are, here are some underlying realities in our lives, this weekend wifey's sister had a miscarriage, also, we've been trying for almost a year to have a second baby. It's to the point that once a month we tend to get a little upset... her more then me but it's frustrating. So ya, how was your week?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
That was depressing
No blogs, why? I'm spent, finished, done. Not with blogging but wow what a first four months of 2011. Turns out it takes a lot of work to pull straight A's, on top of that my client at work didn't get any less demanding during that time...not to mention my volunteer leadership at the church...was a harder 4 months then usual with me stepping into roles I havn't done for years so I could cover for someone who had decided to quit. There have been some serious emotional roller coasters in that time as well that I'm refusing to talk about...long story short I'm exhausted and was looking forward to a summer of nothing, but instead I'm playing baseball, my neck only sort of better (sure to be worse by the end of the season) and I'll be working 50 hour weeks until the end of June...my May camping trip is exciting me a lot, just my and my best buddy and a canoe.
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